Citing data

All citation text can be found on the Census Support site, and is included by default when you download data in InFuse. The citation text relevant to the data that can be downloaded from InFuse can also be found below:

England and Wales 2001 Census aggregate data:

Office for National Statistics, 2001 Census: Aggregate data (England and Wales) [computer file]. UK Data Service Census Support. Downloaded from:

Crown copyright: Census output remains Crown copyright.

Copyright statement: The following copyright statement should be featured if you publish census output: "Census output is Crown copyright and is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Queen's Printer for Scotland."

Confidentiality: Census output incorporates safeguards against possible identification of any particular person or household. The licensee shall not use the census output to attempt to obtain or derive information relating specifically to an identifiable individual or household, nor claim to have obtained or derived such information.




InFuse is part of the UK Data Service Census Support